How it works

Receive your custom designed, modern business website in just seconds

Morphic process from user onboarding to final site creation
blue icon 1

Quick and easy onboarding form

User selecting their industry and other important terms
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Automated custom design and build

Brain and neuron graphic diagram
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Creative team assistance

Morphic creative team and logo overlap
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Review, update and launch!

Ten Coves Capital website mockup

Create beautiful on-brand designs with a simple drag-and-drop

layout drag and drop
Morphic onboarding interface asking questions to the user
<20 seconds

Automation Features

Site map design of all pages and sections

Brand expression, font styles and color strategy

Content management system (CMS)

Strategic copywriting in your tone of voice

Image sourcing and placement

Drag-and-drop layout and content creator

Search engine optimization (SEO) setup

Upgrades to industry changes and standards

Business card and social post designs

Impress with a tailor-made, cutting-edge website in just days!